The Road to Nowhere Farm

Nowhere Farm is a place I’ve had pictures of in my mind for a long time, from the stories that have been shared by Linford Detweiler and Karin Bergquist of Over The Rhine. I’ve always pictured a beautiful piece of ground with flat land, black earth and a calming quiet that we’re in need of…

Influencer Marketing is a Steal

There was a recent piece on 60 minutes this past weekend regarding influencer marketing. What a lot of people were freaked out about was the amount of money that many of these teens and twenty-something influencers were making just for wearing a T-shirt of a brand, or creating Instagram photos, YouTube videos, and even six…

The Patron Saint of Spuds

We all know about the Irish Potato Famine, but here in America, blight was killing over a billion dollars’ worth of potatoes in the mid 1800′s. What many people don’t know, is that 94% of the potatoes that we consume today are descended from one that was bred right here in Utica, NY: the Garnet…