7/22/11 – Blue Skies
A quiet evening with a hammock and a movie
It’s been so hot the past couple of days and I spent yesterday evening on the couch in the house writing letters to old friends. It’s something we should all make more time for.
After cooking a nice meal for my brother and his wife I spent most of the evening wiping my computer and installing OSX Lion
I’ve been playing around on Google+ for almost a week now and wanted to add my list of opinions to the millions that have already been thrown around the web so far. If you haven’t checked it out, I will say that it is NOT a Facebook, nor a Twitter killer. Here are my top…
Here’s my review of POST: Gravity – a new next-gen magazine for iPad I was asked to review. Feel like checking it out? Download the app here.
My picks for posts / likes and finds of the week. Freebie Friday: 8 Flying Bird Brushes July 15, 2011 tumblr_lnmbamRpxs1qhrr2so1_400.gif (GIF Image, 295×197 pixels) July 14, 2011 Great Lakes Boat Building Company July 13, 2011 sickradsean: Almost done with Kyle’s Star Wars half sleeve. One… July 13, 2011 You Are More Likely to Survive…