Curiouser and Curiouser…

It’s been said that Curiosity Killed the Cat. Maybe, but that was so last century. Curiosity, is now what’s going to save your skin (and your business). I know I’m not the only person who thinks that curiosity is probably one of the most overlooked and under appreciated qualities in the business world. Having a…

Voltron Your Business

Remember Voltron? When I was a kid I used to love that cartoon. You’d think that with those bad-ass robot lions the universe would be safe. But you’d be wrong. Because every episode some bad guy came along that couldn’t be defeated by the lions alone, not matter what they did. The same thing happened…

Automator Hater

Search for Social Media Expert on – go ahead. I’ll wait. There is amazing amount of people that talk about how to use social media and social media tools – on social media tools. Lately it’s felt a bit like an echo chamber, with thousands of people regurgitating the same articles on their own…