Big Ideas that I’ve had over the past several months and long term projects that I want to get off the ground

Small Things

I’ve been a big fan of the photoblogs that Ree (Pioneer Woman), Kathleen Connally (A Walk Through Durham Township), Amanda Pair and the Boston Globe have been running for a long time now. Other friends like Bernie at Medraw and Erin’s Photo 365 project have been trying to do a photo (or sketch) every day…

Michael Patrei and Ballou

When I gave a talk about Bootstrapping in the Mohawk Valley to the MV Young Professionals group last month, one of the points I tried to drive home was that you need to surround yourself with people that make things…and that you should make something too. Whether those things are businesses, films, music, art, pieces…

Are we making Lolcats or Ushahidi

I saw this great TED talk by Clay Shirky recently about how we’re starting to have a cognitive surplus in the world and shifting from a society based on consumption to one that is starting to be about creation, production and sharing. According to Shirky, the earth has about 1 trillion hours of downtime per…