Are You Worth Following?

I was very fortunate to have one of my posts picked up by the popular blog Twitip last week. In case you’re wondering, the post was giving users 10 Ways to Be Useful on Twitter. The post got mostly a warm response and was retweeted over 1,500 times, which made me feel like I provided…

10 Ways to Be Useful On Twitter

With Twitter being the big buzz word all over the MSM, blogs and just about everywhere you look, it seems like everyone is jumping on the Twitter bandwagon.  And that’s not a bad thing at all.  But most people don’t know how to ‘use’ it or don’t understand how it can be a great tool…

We Need Twefficieny

I was fowarded (and reminded of) a great blog that I used to read quite regularly, called Girl At Play, run by Alex Beauchamp.  I always enjoy her writing style and have an immense amount of respect (bordering on envy in some cases) for her experiences in blogging, traveling, and general outlook on life, all…


Read a great post from Krista Neher today about a tool called ‘Twitterhawk‘ (read full post here).  This is a tool that crawls Twitter looking for tweets about a topic of your choice then will automatically sent an @reply out from your account to that poster. Krista lays out some great points with regard to…

Vlingo and Tweetie Logos

Just by happenstance, I installed Tweetie as my new iPhone Twitter client and am first of all really happy with it. Then I noticed that the logos for both Vlingo and Tweetie look eerily similar in size, and shape. Anyone else notice this? Are they from the same developers or is this something more sinister?