This post stuck with me: What Makes a Great Man
What Makes a Man Good
- A good man has a strong work ethic. No, really. I’ve dated “struggling musicians,” and while I’m all over a man who’s into taking risks and making sacrifices to pursue his passions, men who aren’t willing to work their tails off to get there and think it’s just going to happen is not exceptional.
- A good man can cook. I’m not talking gourmet cuisine (but hey, that’s fun too), but a guy that can handle the basics of an actual meal? I’ve found that once you get past college, this isn’t too tough to come by. Good.
What Makes a Man Great
- A great man has solid relationships with his friends. It’s extremely telling how a man will treat a woman in looking at how he treats his friends.
- A great man has goals. I’m not talking about a crazy to-do list, but a great man know what’s important to him and aligns his life in such a way to accomplish those things.
What Makes a Man Exceptional
- An exceptional man is selfless. An exceptional man uses his skills and talents and knowledge to help other people, be it at work, in relationships, as a mentor, to family, etc. An exceptional man recognizes that he had mentors and inspirers and supporters along his way and makes it a point to pay that back.
- An exceptional man holds me to the same high standards that I hold him. He recognizes that a woman who expects exceptional better damn well be exceptional herself. He expects that same kindness, ambition, respect and compassion that I expect of him and encourages me to be the best version of myself. In the same way I won’t settle for less than exceptional, he won’t either.
Bottom line? Integrity makes a man exceptional.“