I had a great week at The 99% Conference in NYC and will have a full report of the best content from the workshops, but its important right now for me to digest things a little bit. But in addition to a kick ass conference I got to meet some truly innovative individuals.
One of those was Mr. R. Justin Stewart who is a sculptor out of NYC. During the after party for the conference we got to chatting about his work and I was amazed at the blending of data and art that he uses to produce his installations.
I was particularly impressed with one of his installations in particular which was 3D space-time map of the Twin Cities Metro System between 2a.m. and 2p.m. Its constructed using 5,000 wooden spheres which are connected using over a half mile of copper tubing. During the party I asked him to explain the piece and he does it better than I ever could. Definitely check out his website by clicking here as there are many more photos and additional pieces. Here’s a quick video:
I was truly amazed at the talents and backgrounds of the conference attendees. The sheer amount of talent and innovation is breathtaking and I’m sure that I’ve only scratched the tip of the iceberg. Seeing how people are able to bring their ideas to fruition, bucking mediocrity, and most importantly, sharing their talent and information makes me think that on the whole, we’re going to be OK.
Big Big ups to Justin for sharing his work and I’ll be posting more insights from The 99% throughout the coming week.