In so many day to day interactions with business (big business in particular), there seems to be so much red tape and no accountability. I know this is nothing new to anyone. When it comes to asking for a donation for a prize giveaway, or speaking to someone directly who can maybe offer a solution to a product or service gone bad, the answers I hear most often are:
“I’ll have to ask the (insert department here) department at our corporate office.”
“I don’t have the authority to help you with that.”
“You’ll have to call our HelpDesk.” (Side note, I love how all crappy HelpDesks start the automated call with “Your call is important to us”)
Obviously this is frustrating on so many levels, but I’ve realized the fundamental statement it conveys is: “We call our employees professionals, but don’t trust them to make any decisions that would improve your customer experience.”
How cool would it be if each individual member of a staff could and WOULD be authorized to help you through your customer service issues. What would the value be if 95% of your customers had a good experience in solving their problem instead of 5%? What’s the worth in revenue?