You have no reason not to learn

No doubt about it, I’m def. NOT a professional graphic designer or a professional web designer, or marketer. And you might not be the leader in your industry.  You might be starting a new business or launching a new product where you want to compete in your space.  But don’t know how. Learn. There has…

Apple’s Simplicity

I read a  great article on TechCrunch this morning that got me thinking about finding customers.  It talked about how Apple is just rocking the marketplace even in a recession and that one of their strengths is the small width of products that they produce: Apple made $10 billion last year and their simple product…

Generosity is the new Green

I just read a great report from talking about how Generosity is fast becoming the new Green. I manage E-media for a small TV station, and even on this micro level I can see it happening. More and more clients are interested in doing socially consious giveaways in lieu of traditional advertising whether its…