``I create and connect big ideas, communities, stories, and people. I’m obsessed with using technology to share ideas, connect people and reinvent communities.``

I’m currently the Director of the ThINCubator, an incubator/co-working and event facility that exists to drive innovation and foster a culture of entrepreneurship in our area. I work with entrepreneurs, wantrepreneurs, students, makers, hackers, refugees and seasoned business owners to solve problems, build businesses and create opportunities. It’s awesome.


I’m also the principle founder of Rust Belt Startup – I build websites, videos and marketing strategies for rust-belt businesses (and beyond). I work with towns and communities who want to empower creatives, artists and entrepreneurs to build a better future.

Rust Belt Startup is also a podcast featuring conversations with entrepreneurs, artists, educators and people who are living unconventional lives in unconventional locations.


All work and no play makes Ryan a dull (and bored, and angry) person. So I have lots of hobbies, passion projects, and side-hustles.

This website is my way of cataloging my travels, projects, learnings and writings. It’s a living digital body of work. For you…but mostly for me. Thanks for dropping by.

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